Sunday, August 23, 2009

Andres Carvallo Chairs and Keynotes Smart Grid Conference

Marcus Evans asked me last year to help host a unique Smart Grid Conference here in Austin, Texas. They decided to produce the Smart Grid Initiatives for Utilities Conference. As a host utility and conference chairman, I am very proud and look forward to the opportunity of sharing the stage with industry colleagues from Bonneville, Direct Energy, CCET, Centerpoint, Sacramento Municipal Utility, Alabama Power, Southern California Edison, DTE Energy, PG&E, Baltimore Gas & Electric, and Texas-New Mexico Power. Additionally, you will also hear from US Modern Grid, Galvin Electricity, Intergraph, Ice Energy, and the Pacific Northwest National Lab.

The conference will take place September 1 3, 2009. It will be a great update on the smart grid journey from the very best. Dont miss it.

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